+421 910 366 666 office@marcusindustry.com

Repairs and Reconstruction of Engineering and Transportation Buildings in Košice

Repairs and Reconstruction of Engineering and Transportation Buildings in Košice

MARCUS INDUSTRY, a.s. implements in the form of own capacities as well as subcontracted companies the continuous repairs and reconstruction of civil engineering and transport buildings in Košice, or the construction of new driveways. Reconstructions and repairs concern the management of technical media located in road surfaces. MARCUS INDUSTRY, a.s. has extensive experience in the realization of the repairs, where high emphasis is placed on fast and quality accomplishment of work with the aspect of minimizing the downtime of road network.


Civil engineering and transport buildings


TEPELNÉ HOSPODÁRSTVO spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným Košice

Tepláreň Košice, a. s. v skratke TEKO, a. s.

Project implementation


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